Psalm2:8 Whatever else is going on in the universe, whatever else may happen in the heavenly realms, there is only due to be one supreme King on planet earth. Jesus Christ alone has earned the right to inherit the earth and its nations, the people He died for. Once again, the Satan knows the score, he knows what has been said and to whom all authority has been given. However, we must remember that he is consumed with pride and arrogance, that was the cause of his downfall. The truly arrogant never see their weaknesses, they never back down, the Satan is NOT on the run, he still believes that he can turn things around and take possession away from the Messiah. So, he will never give up! At the point when he calculates that the Lord Jesus is about to make His appearance, when earth’s history prepares it for the intervention of the King of Kings, the Satan will launch his own counter offensive. There will appear a human but demonic leader who is rightly described in the Bible as the anti-Christ and his arrival will be intended to hinder or block the coming of the Lord. The anti-Christ will set up a false period of peace and hope, he will be disingenuous in his attempts to bring the world and its leaders under his control. For a short time it will appear that he has succeeded, especially when he brings peace to the Middle East. The Satan is described in Scripture as the “Prince of this world,” and it will only be a matter of time before he shows his true colours. Wars will break out, disasters will happen on a grand scale and the whole world will gang up against God’s people including Israel. The followers of Jesus Christ will be persecuted and killed in a reign of unimaginable terror as the Accuser uses all of his powers to get his way and take absolute control of God’s earth and its inhabitants. BUT there is One who is greater and we should never forget that. Jesus told a parable, recorded in Matthew 28 in which some tenant farmers destroyed the landlord’s servants and eventually his son. This is what they said, “This is the heir. Come let us kill Him and take His inheritance.”You see, Jesus knew exactly what was going on when they killed Him. They will never rob Him of His inheritance, in fact His death made it doubly secure! He also knows the Satan’s current plans and my Bible tells me that God will make the nations His inheritance and the ends of the earth His possession. Hallelujah!
Psalm 106:13
Psalm 106:13 Do not forget We need to remember that Israel’s relationship with the Lord God was based on His laws and their obedience. It was possible for them to live lives that were highly blessed, that incorporated the provision of God in every tiny detail of their national and individual existence. God was prepared to give them everything they needed, He would provide food and water for them and their flocks. He would guide them on their journey. He would protect them from their enemies. He would inspire and direct their leaders. He would keep them from the heat of the sun and the terrors of the desert night. He would take them to the land that He had promised, in double quick time. There was no reason why they could not be in situ in just a few months. Everything they could possibly need was His to provide and He was willing to sacrifice anything to see them gratefully settled in Canaan. There was just one snag, it all depended upon their obedience and faithfulness. God insis...
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