Psalm 2:7 This amazing Psalm continues with a dialogue between God the Father and His Son. This could be interpreted as God reassuring King David, it could also be, as some commentators suggest, a conversation between a great king and one of his subject kings. As the Psalm was written by David it is most likely an anticipation of the coronation of his son Solomon who sadly turned out to be a failure as a king; he dabbled with pagan gods and forgot his God-given wisdom. However, we only need to go to the 1stchapter of Hebrews to discover that this the future fulfilment of this prophetic Psalm is found in the Messiah; God the Father is speaking to Jesus, “You are my son; today I have become your father.” This conversation took place when Jesus returned to heaven at His ascension. The whole of Hebrews chapter 1 describes this event that took place over the 7 days before the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. At this moment in time Jesus was anointed and took His place at the right hand of God His Father. He had fulfilled the will of God to the letter, at a cost of great and terrible suffering and self-sacrifice.
Psalm 106:13
Psalm 106:13 Do not forget We need to remember that Israel’s relationship with the Lord God was based on His laws and their obedience. It was possible for them to live lives that were highly blessed, that incorporated the provision of God in every tiny detail of their national and individual existence. God was prepared to give them everything they needed, He would provide food and water for them and their flocks. He would guide them on their journey. He would protect them from their enemies. He would inspire and direct their leaders. He would keep them from the heat of the sun and the terrors of the desert night. He would take them to the land that He had promised, in double quick time. There was no reason why they could not be in situ in just a few months. Everything they could possibly need was His to provide and He was willing to sacrifice anything to see them gratefully settled in Canaan. There was just one snag, it all depended upon their obedience and faithfulness. God insis...
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