Psalm 3:5 God's Sustenance

Psalm 3:5       Having established his standing before God, David can now lie down and sleep in peace. No matter how dark the situation, God has it under control and therefore he is at rest.  Many of us have suffered the curse of sleeplessness, once it visits us it is a job to shake it off. That wretched alertness that comes in the early hours when a thousand and one thoughts and anxieties fill our heads – jobs undone, conversations to be had, bills unpaid, the list goes on. As our anxiety level rises so sleep becomes impossible and the intensity of the “voices of fear” increases. The Satan loves to get us into this kind of miserable routine and it is the opposite of the place of rest that is our by right. Our only hope is the Lord, to pray to Him and, one by one, lay each of these burdens down until there are none left. We have to rest in His promises and that means imbibing His truth, learning it, meditating on it and then trusting Him to deliver! I know, it is not easy and, if you will excuse the pun, it doesn’t happen overnight! But our God will deliver us, in these times of trial He wants us to learn to trust Him, the Lord will sustain me. 

V6 This is such a profound statement of faith; indeed, we are surrounded by tens of thousands of evil spirits, they bay for blood and plot our destruction but what have we to worry about?  God is with us, who can be against us?  There was an incident in the Cricket World Cup yesterday when a swarm of bees interrupted a match between South Africa and Sri Lanka. The players and umpires lay on the ground as the bees swept over them like a dark cloud. The danger quickly passed and the game resumed but for a few moments there was genuine fear of harm and danger. Do not fear the armies of the enemy, though they swarm around us! “Yeah, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil,”writes David in Psalm 23. We need not fear. You need not fear. God is with us and however great and overwhelming the enemy forces may be, we will be kept safe, we will prevail. Hallelujah!


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