Psalm 3:7 Power in Prayer

Psalm 3:7       Heaven is open, the Lord is on the throne, He hears my cry, I do not have to fight this war, I am not defenceless, furthermore, now that I know this, I may make a request.  “Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.”Have we considered the incredibly powerful forces that are for us in this battle ground of spiritual warfare? A cry from the heart of a righteous man or woman is heard in heaven and there is an immediate response. The Lord will never leave us defenceless; He will answer and save us from our spiritual enemies. Never forget, our battle is NOT against flesh and blood but spiritual forces in the heavenly realms. 
Why would anyone ask God to break the teeth and strike the jaws of their enemies?  Why not go for their throats or even their hearts?  We should remember that this cry comes from a man who, as a youngster, had fought against a lion and a bear, he had seen sharp-edged teeth and slavering jaws close up and he knew how ferocious and dangerous they could be.  The killing abilities of wild animals lie in their teeth and their jaws.  The evil powers who oppose us are like wild animals, the imagery is very apt and crops up often in the Old Testament.  We are entitled to pray that the teeth of the evil ones be broken and their jaws dislocated for that will render them spiritually powerless. 


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