Psalm 3:1-2     The Satan uses flattery, deceit, trickery and lies to undermine Christians, he has been doing it for centuries. People you think you can trust, turn out to be plotting and scheming and instead of gearing up for a fight we sometimes need to take a lesson from David and “get out of there”, trusting that the Lord has it all in hand and He will let righteousness and justice prevail.  There is a tendency with some believers to regard this whole “spiritual warfare” business as a bit of a joke, they compare us to medieval warriors going out to fight the hordes of an imaginary enemy.  You will not find much of that kind of talk in the Scriptures, instead we are urged to stand firm or, sometimes, just “run for it” all the while trusting in the Lord. It is He who will battle and fight for us.  My take on this is that the Satan doesn’t bother those who do not bother him! David turned and fled when Absalom declared himself; you would have thought that the King would have confronted his son but no, he chose to leave the city.  As a consequence, the gossips were predicting that God would not deliver David. However, this Psalm tells us that whilst, humanly speaking, his heart was heavy, in his spirit he trusted completely in the Lord his God. 


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