Psalm 2:3       When men grow in power and importance they predictably start to kick against long established rules and safeguards. They want to be remembered, they want the plaudits of people and to achieve “new things.” One way to do this is to question the wisdom of their ancestors, but some go further, they question the wisdom of God. They scoff at the Lord God and His anointed, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” In their eyes the ways of the Lord are restrictive and faith is an inhibiting influence. God’s moral law is open to question and increasingly to be replaced with new laws that “liberate people” allowing excesses and the freedom of the individual.  It is the same old Satan working his peculiar magic using the same old question, “Did God really say?” Rulers and leaders are both vulnerable and responsible and, as history shows, their answer to this question alone will determine the future of their people. 


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