Psalm 2:1       It seems that power does corrupt, and absolute power does corrupt absolutely because the higher individuals rise up the chain of human command, the more likely they are to become tools in the hands of the enemy.  No wonder we are asked to pray for them!  1 Timothy 2:1-2. Since the time of Babel nations and races have plotted against God but that is only because they are driven by their master – the Satan.  He is desperate to wrest control of this planet from its Creator, but Psalm 2 reassures us that this plotting and scheming is all in vain, all the skulduggery and deviousness of the father of lies will get him nowhere!  

V2       For centuries kings and rulers have formed alliances and done deals that they think will make them all powerful and all conquering.  Inevitably the stronger and more self-reliant a nation or an alliance becomes the less godly it will be.  The European Union is a case in point.  The rebellion is always driven by an evil attempt to thwart God’s purposes and ultimately to oppose God’s anointed, His Messiah.  Remember who Jesus is?  He is the sustainer of all things, the One in whom everything has its existence, the One who created all things by the word of His power. Read Colossians 1:15-20.  The Satan knows that Scripture, most American Presidents, British Prime Ministers and all other worldly leaders do not!  And people still meekly follow these mostly godless rulers in the vain hope that things may improve, when history shows that almost inevitably the stronger they become the worse it is for the world. 


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