Psalm 2:4       What is God’s take on all of this?  Well He knows exactly what is going on and what a picture is painted in the Psalm.  Instead of indignation, we are told that the Lord God Almighty guffaws with scorn at the pathetic endeavours of the rulers to obstruct His plans! But let us be aware, He is also angry at the rebellious attempts of the wicked to abandon His laws and He is angry with the one who masterminds their rebellion.  It is impossible to imagine God upon His heavenly throne, in all His glory, power and holiness, watching the pathetic attempts of feeble men to become gods themselves. As they seek power, adulation and authority upon earth, demanding to be revered and taken seriously, using military might to achieve their ends; the true God laughs. He sees their self-aggrandisement, their hunger for supremacy, their corruption and their wicked arrogance and He scoffs with suppressed anger. Whilst we see these actors playing out their dreams on an international stage the same attitudes prevail in smaller organisations, in the workplace, in churches [sadly] and even in families and marriages. 

Remember, that the Satan is hell-bent on wresting authority over this world from our King, Jesus, and He also aims to bring about the destruction of the work of the righteous Creator. He masterminds every rebellion and every pompous tyrant is on his payroll. Today the world is closer than ever to disaster and even unbelievers predict that we cannot live as we do, on this planet, for many more years. Whilst the resources of earth are being plundered and the greedy grow richer, weapons of mass destruction are being stockpiled across the earth. The Satan is warming to his task, the complete domination of mankind and the revealing of his master leader, the antitheses of Jesus Christ.

The Table below shows the devastating nuclear arsenal that the devil has at his command; at the time of writing it is not clear whether or not North Korea does have these weapons or whether Iran has joined the fray!  Add to this mix the chemical, biological and conventional weaponry spread across the globe and it is obvious that the power is available, unlike at any other time in human history, to destroy the created world completely.  That is why these ARE the last days for God will NEVER allow this to happen. 



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