Psalm 3

The shield around us       
This is a wonderful Psalm for those who feel that they have been unjustly treated. Sometimes, in life, we may feel that all of the world is against us and that the Satan has backed us into a dark place from which we cannot be rescued.  We do not know who to turn to or who to trust, even our friends and family have sided against us.  Where do we turn?  Who can help us?

The historic background to this song of hope, by King David, is the bid by his son Absalom to take over the throne of Israel.  Absalom had used deceit, trickery and lies to steal the hearts of the people and it seems that David continued to only see the best in his son while all this scheming was going on. 1 Samuel 15.  When the king heard of his son’s duplicity and that the allegiance of the people had transferred to Absalom, he did not stay and fight but left the city and the throne.  The Ark of the Covenant was sent back to Jerusalem with the words, “If I find favour in the Lord’s eyes, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again.”   David trusted the will of God absolutely even though it seemed his kingdom was in tatters and his favourite son had betrayed him.  What a disaster it was!


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