Psalm 1:6       The Psalm ends with a wonderful promise; “The Lord watches over the way of the righteous, yes the Lord watches over the way of the righteous.”  Of whom shall I be afraid? Everywhere I go, everything I do, every thought that I have, every word that I speak – the Lord watches over me. He is not some brooding, callous, judgemental tyrant but a loving kind and protective Father who cares about me and will guard me on this journey of spiritual discovery. He longs to open His treasures, to reveal His mysteries, to bring me delight and pleasure; all He asks is my compliance and my willingness to trust and obey!

Dear Lord; You have set before us a stark choice, to listen to the voices of the evil ones or to listen to You.  We can choose to find our greatest fulfilment in You or waste our lives tampering with the delusions of the enemy.  You have given us Your Word to guide us and protect us; help us to read it, meditate upon it and understand it. We thank you that You watch over us, that You promise fruitfulness and stability in this life and a place in Your presence with the assembly of the righteous worshippers. Blessed be Your name.


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