Psalm 2

A warning for rulers!
If the first Psalm was a personal plea to choose the way of righteousness, Psalm 2 is addressed to the kings and rulers of this world.  
From the beginning of time Satan has used them to further his purposes, to oppose God and to enslave vast swathes of the human race.  Before we go any further let us correct one common error here, Satan is not a proper noun or name.  In the Hebrew Scriptures he is referred to as “the Satan” because the word means “accuser” or “adversary”. He is depicted in the Scriptures as the prince of the power of the air and the prince of this world. He is described as a serpent, a leviathan, a roaring lion and probably represented, with his death , as taking the form of other wild beasts. In 2 Corinthians 11:14 we are told that “the Satan” masquerades as an angel of light and in Revelation 12:7-11 there is a description of a great dragon – the ancient serpent – who leads the whole world astray!
This Accuser has spent centuries inciting men to question the authority and commands of God. Historically, his subversive, wheedling attack on the Lord’s authority always begins the same way, “Did God really say?” Eve was asked this question in Genesis 3 and he has been manipulating individuals, communities and nations with the same enquiry ever since.
  • Did God really say, “Let there be light?”
  • Did God really say, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night?”
  • Did God really say, “Let the land produce living creatures?”
  • Did God really say, “Let us make mankind in our image?”
  • Did God really say, “You shall have no other gods before me?
  • Did God really say, “You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony and you shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour?” 
In actual fact God never did make a polite request to the light to appear, His creative word was powerful and commanding; "Be light." God’s power is activated by His Word so it follows that the Satan’s major assault on mankind is to constantly be asking, “Did God really say?” Let us not be in any doubt, anyone who questions God’s authority is playing into the Accuser’s hands. Such questions come from the “Father of lies” and it is inevitable that leaders and rulers are particularly vulnerable. 


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