Psalm 1:2-3

If for some, evil is a source of delight, then the converse is the man or woman who delights in the teaching of the Lord.  Such a one meditates on the Scriptures day and night.  As a younger man I confess that meditating on Scripture day and night seemed to be a bit of a chore! It’s not surprising therefore that my thoughts ran away with me, depression overwhelmed me at times, and I found that I had no antidote to the dark thoughts that sometimes filled my head. So, what occupies our thoughts?  What fills the subconscious when we awake in the early hours?  Where do we find delight and where does our mind go when an enemy spirit throws a dart?  This is where we start to identify our personal battle lines, all battles are won or lost in the mind. 

V3        If we want to be stable, fruitful, successful human beings then we must drink from the Word of God for that is like being planted by a constant stream of water. An enterprising squirrel planted an acorn in our garden 5-6 years ago; it chose an ideal location because a small stream (ditch) runs close by. The acorn took root and 5 years later the oak tree is already 25 ft high and teeming with life. Look at the blessings that come from a life being constantly refreshed by the blessings of God’s Word. The one who does this is fruitful at the appropriate times, he or she is evergreen (unlike my oak) and everything they do prospers. You see, God’s Word is so refreshing that when the heat of high summer comes, or a drought takes over our lives, as it will, there is still a stream that feeds our roots and we continue to flourish. Nothing can rob you and me of the fullness of a great life if we are firmly planted by the streams of God’s living water. 


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